Why Do We Self-Sabotage and How Can We Stop? Read More »
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]]>Fear of failure is another cause of self-sabotage. We often find that we don’t try at all in an effort to avoid the risk of failing and looking foolish. This is often referred to as “fear of success.” We are afraid that if we succeed, we will have to face the responsibility that comes with it. We would rather stay in our comfort zone where we feel safe and secure.
How to Stop Self-Sabotaging Behaviour
One of the first steps to stopping self-sabotage is to become aware of when it is occurring. Pay attention to your thoughts and actions throughout the day and see if you can identify any patterns of self-sabotage. Once you become aware of when you are self-sabotaging, you can start to change your behavior.
Here are some tips on how to stop self-sabotaging:
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]]>Stop Comparing Yourself to Others in 4 Steps Read More »
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]]>Step 1: Determine Your Priorities
The first step to stop comparing yourself is to figure out what your priorities are. What do you want to achieve? What are your goals? Once you have a clear understanding of your priorities, it will be easier for you to stay focused on your own path and not get sidetracked by what others are doing.
Step 2: Be Mindful of Your Thoughts
When you find yourself comparing yourself to others, take a step back and examine the thoughts that are going through your head. Are they positive or negative? If they’re negative, try to reframe them in a more positive light. For example, instead of thinking “I’m not good enough,” try thinking “I’m doing the best I can.”
Step 3: Focus on Your Own Journey
Everyone has their own unique story, so don’t compare your chapter 1 to someone else’s chapter 10. focus on where you are in YOUR journey and celebrate YOUR accomplishments—no matter how big or small they may seem.
Step 4: Practice Gratitude
Instead of fixating on what you don’t have, take a moment to appreciate all the wonderful things that you DO have in your life. This could be anything from a roof over your head to a supportive group of friends and family. By practicing gratitude, you’ll shift your focus from what you lack to all the abundance that already exists in your life.
Comparing ourselves to others is something we all do from time to time. However, it’s important to realize that this habit is counterproductive and can lead to negative self-talk and feelings of inadequacy. If you find yourself in a comparison trap, use the four steps above to help break free. Remember, everyone has their own unique story—so focus on YOUR journey and celebrate YOUR accomplishments!
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]]>4 Key Steps To Developing A More Positive Mindset Read More »
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]]>Here are 4 key steps:
Acknowledge your thoughts: It’s important to realize that everyone has negative thoughts from time to time; it’s normal! Once you’ve acknowledged your thoughts, you can begin to work on changing them.
Identify your triggers: Is there a certain situation that leads to negative thinking? Is there a person in your life who brings you down? Once you know what triggers your negative thinking, you can begin to work on avoiding those triggers or changing your reaction to them.
Change your self-talk: One of the most important things when it comes to developing a more positive mindset is changing your self-talk. Instead of telling yourself things like “I’m not good enough,” try telling yourself things like “I’m doing my best.” Beating yourself up will only make you feel worse; be gentle with yourself and give yourself some credit!
Practice gratitude: Another great way to develop a more positive mindset is by practicing gratitude. Whenever something good happens, take a moment to appreciate it. You could even keep a gratitude journal where you write down 3 things you’re grateful for each day. When you focus on the good instead of the bad, you’re sure to develop a more positive outlook on life overall!Though it may seem difficult at first, developing a more positive mindset is definitely possible with some effort and time investment.
By following these 4 key steps- acknowledging your thoughts, identifying your triggers, changing your self-talk, and practicing gratitude- you’re sure to see an improvement in your overall quality of life. Give it a try today!
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]]>6 Amazing Benefits Of Learning To Love Yourself Read More »
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]]>The post 6 Amazing Benefits Of Learning To Love Yourself appeared first on Insight Behavioral Health, LLC.
]]>10 Strategies for Controlling Anxiety Read More »
The post 10 Strategies for Controlling Anxiety appeared first on Insight Behavioral Health, LLC.
]]>Identify your triggers
What situations, people, or things tend to make your anxiety worse? Once you know what your triggers are, you can start to avoid them or prepare for them in advance.
Create a “worry period.”
Set aside some time each day to worry about things that are bothering you. This way, you don’t have to worry about them all the time and they won’t be constantly on your mind.
Use relaxation techniques
When you’re feeling anxious, there are some things you can do to help relax your mind and body. Try deep breathing, progressive muscle relaxation, or visualization.
Get moving
Exercise is a great way to reduce stress and improve your overall mental health. Even just a few minutes of movement can make a difference.
Connect with others
Isolation can make anxiety worse, so make an effort to connect with friends and loved ones on a regular basis, even if it’s just virtually for now.
Be mindful of your thoughts
Our thoughts play a big role in how we’re feeling emotionally, so it’s important to be aware of the negative thoughts that might be perpetuating your anxiety and challenge them accordingly.
Make time for things you enjoy
Doing things you enjoy can help reduce stress and make you feel good in general, both of which can help lessen anxiety symptoms.
Practice self-compassion
Be gentle with yourself and understand that everyone makes mistakes or has bad days—you included! 9 Seek professional help if necessary. If your anxiety is really interfering with your life, don’t hesitate to reach out to a therapist or counselor who can help you develop coping skills specifically tailored to your needs.
Seek professional help if necessary
If your anxiety is really interfering with your life, don’t hesitate to reach out to a therapist or counselor who can help you develop coping skills specifically tailored to your needs.
Accepting that there are things in life that are beyond our control can actually help us feel more in control. This doesn’t mean that we should stop trying to make positive changes, but rather that we should focus our energy on the things that we CAN control.
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]]>6 Steps to Reduce Anxiety Symptoms Read More »
The post 6 Steps to Reduce Anxiety Symptoms appeared first on Insight Behavioral Health, LLC.
]]>The first step is to figure out exactly what you’re stressing about. Is it something you can change? Is it something you have no control over? By determining the root of your anxiety, you can better understand how you can overcome it.
For example, if you’re feeling anxious about losing your job, you have the capability to change this worry. You can work harder to prove that you’re an indispensable part of the team or you can start searching for a new job. Taking action is the surest way to defeat anxiety.
The truth is, there are plenty of situations in your life that you can change with some effort. For example, if you’re concerned about your weight, the good news is that you can change it! You already know it takes a healthy diet coupled with regular exercise. Little by little, your weight will melt away and your health will improve.
By determining the root of your anxieties, and developing ways to turn them into something positive, you can often overcome them.
Here are some tips and techniques to help you manage your anxiety:
Anxieties are a part of everyday life. How you choose to manage them is what makes the difference. Stop letting anxiety control you. Take the reins and let anxiety and worries know that you are the one in the driver’s seat of your life.
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]]>6 Steps to Building Self-Compassion Read More »
The post 6 Steps to Building Self-Compassion appeared first on Insight Behavioral Health, LLC.
]]>1. Acknowledge your feelings The first step is to allow yourself to feel whatever it is you are feeling without judgment. Acknowledge your pain, sorrow, frustration, or anger without trying to push those feelings away. Accepting our emotions is an important step in managing them effectively.
2. Understand that you are not alone It can be easy to feel like we are the only ones struggling but the truth is that everyone goes through difficult times. Remind yourself that you are not alone in your experience and that others have felt the same way at some point in their lives.
3. Be kind to yourself We would never dream of speaking to others the way we sometimes speak to ourselves. Why not extend the same courtesy to yourself that you would show others? Be gentle and understanding with yourself as you work through your challenges. Try not to focus on everything that you did wrong or could have done better – instead, focus on what you did well and what progress you have made.
4. Forgive yourself Part of being compassionate towards ourselves is learning to forgive ourselves for our mistakes and shortcomings. Accepting that we are imperfect beings capable of making mistakes is an important step in cultivating self-compassion. Everyone makes mistakes – what counts is how we learn from them and move forward.
5. Offer yourself support In times of need, we often turn towards our friends and family for support but we sometimes forget that we can be our own best friend too! When you’re feeling low, give yourself a hug (literally!), make yourself a healthy meal, or take yourself out for coffee – do something special for yourself that will make you feel cared for and loved.
6. Soothe yourself One of the best ways to increase our own self-compassion is by supporting ourselves through self soothing behaviors. Take care of yourself by finding ways to relax and unwind, with self-care activities that can help to soothe the mind and body. Taking a warm bath, reading a good book, or taking a nature walk are all great ways to ease tension and promote relaxation. In addition, spending time with loved ones, listening to calming music, or practicing yoga can also help to reduce stress levels. So next time instead of being self-critical or judgmental take some time out for yourself and try one of these calming activities. You deserve it!
Learning to comfort yourself, nurture and care for your body and mind, and express your appreciation toward yourself will allow you to have a healthy, loving relationship with yourself.
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]]>5 Ways to Get Your Inner Critic to Shut The %@&# Up Read More »
The post 5 Ways to Get Your Inner Critic to Shut The %@&# Up appeared first on Insight Behavioral Health, LLC.
]]>But, when that inner voice is a persistent critic, always telling you that you are going to fail, then you will have a challenging time achieving your dreams.
Shutting down that inner critic, the one that is always second guessing you or reminding you of your flaws, is a dominant player in your personal fulfillment and success. And learning how to shut down that negative voice can help you gain confidence and finally achieve your goals.
How to Get Your Inner Critic to Shut The %@&# Up
1. Start by Listening to the Voice
The best way to get rid of your inner critic is to start by listening. You may not even be aware of how often your inner critic is chiming in. Pay attention to what you are thinking and saying to yourself throughout your day. Getting a handle on what your voice is saying is the first step to silencing it.
2. Talk to Yourself Like You Would a Friend.
When you hear that inner monologue start to chime in, try changing your words to those you would use with any personal friend having a problem. You wouldn’t start by telling them they are stupid or berating their efforts, would you? No! You’d be compassionate and encouraging, treating them with kindness. How about applying that same treatment to yourself? If they deserve it, why don’t you?
3. Look at the Evidence.
When you start to hear your inner critic tell you what you can’t do, ask yourself, how do you know? What evidence do you have to support that negative assessment? What evidence can you offer to refute those negative claims? Instead of exaggerating your abilities (or lack thereof) to succeed, look to all the ways you have been successful in the past to give you the confidence you need.
4. Don’t Live in the Past.
You need to let go of past mistakes. When you mess up, accept that it happened, then move on. Reminding yourself repeatedly of how and when you screwed up isn’t helping you solve the problem or make better choices moving forward. Focus on active solutions instead of wasting time with “what ifs.”
5. Consider the Worst-Case Scenario.
Your inner critic is probably really good at turning a possible negative outcome into a potential catastrophe. This causes you to feel more anxious than is necessary, leading to doubt and feelings of worthlessness. Stop and consider, what if that worst-case scenario actually did occur? Would it really be all that bad? In most cases, not really. And if the worst does happen, how could you prepare ahead of time to address that situation? Being prepared makes you worry less and feel more confident to handle any situation. That inner critic can often have the loudest voice in the room, but don’t be afraid to keep pressing the mute button on him or her. It’s okay to accept that you are not perfect and still have some work to do in certain areas without thinking the absolute worst about yourself at all times.
You can be kinder and gentler to yourself while still focusing on ways to improve specific aspects of your life that don’t bring you joy. It’s not an either-or scenario. And silencing your inner critic will give you the freedom and space to explore those possibilities.
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]]>4 Ways to Begin Loving Yourself After Childhood Abuse Read More »
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]]>As a child, it is difficult to distinguish between how you feel about the abuse you experienced and your sense of self. And when you are left to heal on your own, these feelings become harder to separate. Childhood abuse can create negative feelings about yourself, including guilt, shame, anger, and fear, that stay with you for many years. But, it’s never too late to learn to love yourself.
Learning to Love Yourself After Childhood Abuse
Below, we share some strategies you can use to help build your self-esteem and enable you to love yourself more. Not every activity will work for every person, so pick the ones that best match your needs.
1. Commit to Self-Care
Taking care of your physical and emotional health is a crucial step toward loving yourself. Many who were abused when they were young feel unworthy or undeserving of love, and this reflects in how they treat their own bodies and minds. No matter what you THINK you deserve, spend time each day focused on treating yourself well. Treat yourself like you would a treasured friend. Take care of yourself by eating a healthy diet, exercising regularly, getting enough sleep, and lowering your stress levels. Check in with yourself to see how you are doing and make adjustments accordingly. The first step to loving yourself is paying attention to yourself and making sure you are getting your most basic needs met.
2. Begin Setting Boundaries
First, you need to find your priorities about your emotional health. What things upset you or hurt your feelings? What needs to be present for you to feel safe? Those things are important to you, and it doesn’t matter what they are. They are your needs. And your needs should be honored. Expressing your boundaries to others, letting them know what you need in order to connect with you, is essential. It’s setting expectations for your relationships with others, which means you can develop trust with others and know you are going to be valued. Establish your boundaries for yourself, then make sure others know what they are, too.
3. Be Yourself
Participating in activities that bring you joy and spark your passion can help you connect with yourself and value your interests. When you spend your life living in stress and feeling exhausted, there’s nothing toward which to look forward. Learning to be yourself and do what makes you happy can help you feel better about your goals and learn to love yourself again.
4. Let Go Of The Pain
Letting go is not about forgetting the old pain and abuse you suffered to escape these feelings. Instead, it is about recognizing that you, as a child and now as an adult, did not deserve what happened to you. Learning to let go of the pain from the past allows you to give yourself permission to be free from past hurts and trauma so that you can begin creating the live you truly want to live. Letting go and accepting that you are ready to move on is the only way you can come to truly love yourself.
Learning to love yourself after growing up with abusive parents can be a process that takes a long time. Working with a support system that includes a professional counselor or therapist can help you work through your pain and learn to feel confident and positive about yourself moving forward
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]]>7 Signs That You Have Low Self-Esteem Read More »
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]]>Having low self-esteem can make it hard to be decisive. When you don’t trust your abilities or opinions, you have trouble making even simple choices. Even minor decisions can take hours, as you have trouble understanding what difference it will make in the long run what you choose. If you don’t feel your opinion matters to others, you will often defer to their choices, as well.
2. You have Difficulty Being Alone.
When you don’t feel good about yourself, you probably don’t enjoy spending time alone. Being alone is just more time to think the negative thoughts that are perpetuating your low judgment of yourself, so you may compensate by trying to always be around other people. Being with others, even if you are not actually taking part in social interaction, is often preferred to the feelings that are evoked when you are on your own.
3. You Consistently Compare Yourself to Other People.
If you are always thinking about and worrying over others who you think are more successful than you, then your self-esteem is likely low. When you allow thoughts of other people’s lives and accomplishments to fill the majority of your days, you are not valuing your own desires and needs. Low self-esteem can make it seem like you are the only one missing out on happiness, leading you to question what others are doing right where you are failing.
4. You Have Trouble with Relationships.
If you don’t like or value yourself, you may have difficulty believing others can care about you. Low self-esteem often leads to feeling very unloved, which can cause you to have trouble connecting with someone else on a deep level. Low self-esteem can cause you to seek validation or affirmation from a partner, which can feel clingy or needy to the other person, causing problems in the relationship as well.
5. You have Trouble Saying “No” to Others
When you lack self-esteem, it can be hard to accept that your needs are more important than someone else’s. This may cause you to say “yes” to requests that don’t match with your desires or because you want the other person to like you. If you fear rejection from someone, saying “yes” is a way to ensure they continue to find you valuable. But saying “yes” all the time also means your needs are being neglected.
6. You Care a Lot about How You Look
Those with low self-esteem often spend a lot of time worrying about their appearance. If you always wear make-up when leaving the house or can’t resist primping when you pass a mirror, you are likely very insecure and therefore must continue to primp and preen to mask this.
7. You are Always Apologizing
Low self-esteem often leads you to blame yourself for things that you didn’t really do. When your self-esteem is low, you may try to minimize your impact on others by apologizing for your behaviors. It is common for those with low self-esteem to apologize for talking about how they feel or for speaking their mind.
Does any of this sound like you? Or someone you care about? These are just a few of the signs of lowered self-esteem, but if you see them in yourself, maybe it’s time you asked yourself some tough questions. Are you ready to change your life and start valuing yourself more? Then, it’s time to boost that self-esteem starting today.
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