Anger Treatment
Do you expereince the following symptoms?
Is you anger controlling your life?
Learning to communicate and handle your anger is not a skill that most of us were taught, If you grew up in a home where yelling and anger outbursts were the norm, you probably formed unhealthy habits of expressing anger that are hard to break.
You may have been told that anger wasn’t acceptable and were forbidden to express your anger, causing you to suppress it. Now as a result of you stuffing your feelings, you experience stress and resentment and over time that anger comes out as anger outbursts and temper flare ups or passive aggressive behavior that hurts the people close to you.
Maybe anger was role-modeled as abuse and you never learned to express anger without being intimidating or abusive. Yelling, cursing, and destroying things can happen when your anger is out of control, leaving you feeling guilty and ashamed at the pain that you have caused others.
You can learn to control your anger
Anger is a natural emotion which helps you to protect yourself and keep you safe. If you are having difficulty controlling your anger, or if your anger is making it difficult for you to maintain healthy relationships, it’s time to seek help. If you are ready to learn to control your anger, I can help you change.
I can teach you to communicate your angry feelings in a healthy way. You will learn
- to identify and express the feelings that lie beneath your angry feelings
- to decrease angry feelings and avoid abusive behaviors
- Learn what triggers your anger
- Learn how to communicate feelings of anger in a healthy manner
- Explore how you express anger was influenced by your childhood
- Learn about the cycle of violence and how to stop it.
- Learn how to use relaxation techniques to reduce/eliminate angry feelings.
- Minimize anger outbursts
Contact me for a free 15 minute consultation
if you're ready to let go of your anger
Teia Cobb, MS, LPC, LCAS